In 2012, Cornish College of the Arts freshman Max Walker and Gabriel Brooks- Lopez began playing music in the dusty practice rooms and cluttered bedrooms of their 7th Avenue dormitories. Improvisations became tunes, and not before long the two first years were finalizing their compositions; filling books of music paper with a formidable repertoire of works.
In the beginning, Cavalerie was an escape from the increasingly academic attitude that is found within Jazz pedagogy. Cavalerie was in fact chosen as a name because of its relation to the great painter and individualist Vincent van Gogh. While the founders worked diligently within their studies, it was tremendously therapeutic to play in a setting where the goal was for them and the audience to have a good time - no strings attached.
Since this initial spark of creative zeal, Cavalerie has walked the rugged path that is laid before every bright young artist. They have played in dark smoky dive bars, been paid in bottled water, and have given everything that they have to preserve the embers of their passion. Through this struggle - as any veteran group will attest - they have matured as a group and become a solid unbreakable symbol of the tenacity that was kindled within those dusty 7th Avenue dorm rooms.
As it stands, Cavalerie consists of bassist D.J. Rough, vocalist Jackie Pomeroy, pannist and percussionist Reuben Woodruff, percussionist Gabriel Brooks-Lopez, and guitarist Max Walker. They have played at many of the venues encompassing the greater Seattle area including: Seamonster Lounge, Tiny Ninja Cafe, El Corazon, High Dive, Stoneway Cafe, Der Hinterhof, and El Corazon.
Cavalerie is in the process of mixing and mastering their first album which will consist of five tracks. This album will appear alongside Cavalerie’s 2013 demo Inner Stellar Grooves from the Fifth Dimension and their 2014 single The Ten O’Clock News. !