Monster Boob
A classically trained boob from outer space, visiting earth and prone to unemotional violence. Playing with The Kid (Paul Hutzler) who got picked up by Monster Boob's ship after being kicked out of the International Space Station after winning too often at blackjack. He is currently collaborating on pedal steel guitar in order to avoid being eaten.
Instagram: @m0nsterb00b
Bandcamp and Faceboob: monster boob
Sisters Dogoon
Marika Clymer is a mother, musician, folk artist, homecook, gardener, and generally pleasant human who lives in the PNW. She’s a woman of simple pleasures. French press coffee in the morning, Rainier or whiskey in the evening. Drawing from years spent living in Eastern Washington, Marika brings a grassroots folk sound to the stage, with some elements of blues. Her music attempts to make suffering of the human condition tolerable by expressing sadness through beauty, as well as inspire people to mobilize in service of social justice issues.
SoundCloud: Sisters Dogoon
Instagram: @sistersdogoon
Instagram & Facebook: marikaclymer